TRT had arranged the following information committees in 1973:
Special committee for 1-2nd contemporary Turkish Classical Music and
Polyphone Turkish Music
II-The special committee for Turkish classical music and Turkish Folk Music
1- The polyphone music programs must be presented in a simple language that
can be understood by the people easily. The theme must be stated concerning the
music like symphonic poetry. The text of the songs and the arias must be
summarised with a few sentences. Aria recordings must be done in Turkish if a
Turkish singer sings.
2- The title and the chapters of the parts must to be listed.
3- The music programs with explanations prepared by famous music experts have
to be good as be possible. These explanations must be accompanied by humor and
4- The polyphone classical music is not to be used mourning days only.
5- The polyphone music programs is not to be broadcasted at hours when radio
less listened to.
6- The new compositions must be ordered from our composers. These
compositions basically must be composed on traditional Turkish music, and the
themes should be taken from Turkish literature.
7- The concerts of Turkish composition must be recorded in its place. And
broadcast from the radios accompanied by reports should be done. That would help
the polyphony Turkish music to spread into the country.
8- The national opuses that could be able to adopt polyphone choir music must
be ordered from our compositors, and must give the much more times for this kind
of work.
9- In the broadcasting of the polyphone Turkish folk songs, following
principals are to be regarded.
“With the aim of spreading out the polyphone music by Turkish folk songs
a- The priority should be given to the polyphone folk songs
b- If these compositions are not sufficient in quantity, the parts have to be
ordered from the compositors.
c- These kind of compositions of the Turkish composers have to find wide room
in 2nd and 3rd channels (programs)
10- All the methods have to be used to attract the listeners’ attention.
11- The broadcasting of the contemporary Turkish music programs must be
provided for the local radios.
12- Musical performances leading to operettas should be prepared in order to
get Turkish people used to the polyphone music. The prepared performances should
be broadcasted on radio.
13- In contemporary Turksih music the chamber music has to find room, in the
programs concerned with contemporary Turksih music.
14- Contemporary Turkish music has to be chosen within the programs concerned
with our national holidays.
15- A program should be done containing the first examples of contemporary
Turkish music compositions during the period of 1826-1930 by giving the priority
to the their necessity.
16- By contacting the foreign musicians who had recordings for TRT ask for
them to take the Turkish compositions to their programs.
1- The Turkish music broadcasts should be joyful and educational.
2- The authentic melodies should be used in dancing music and light music.
3- The music of entertainment programs are under the 1st condition.
4- The influence of foreign poor quality music.
a- Not to give place to music influenced by poor quality.
b- Efforts have to be made against this influence by making high quality
programs and by establishing services for recording, scores, and librarian
outside of TRT.
c- Broadcastings should spread out through country to prevent the listeners
from listening to foreign broadcasts and music.
5- The struggle should be done against the poor-quality music under condition
of 5th article.
6- The poor-quality broadcasting of TRT should be inspected and determined as
harmful. A struggle for these broadcastings, outside of Turkiye should be done
with diplomatic enterprises for improvement of the Turksih music broadcasts
7- Classical music has consisted within the parts that had been composed
under the specific rules and conditions within a specific period of time.
8- Polyphone in Turkish music: TRT must treat the Turkish music system in
accordance with the contemporary rules, and the polyphone movements should be
9- The Turkish music broadcastings should be of educational and didactic
10- The organisation of education and improvement.
There is no other conservatory or any other institution to educate the people
for Turkish music. So TRT should respond to these needs within its own concept
and must establish an organisation in this respect.