Religion and Secularism
Religion is a fact and necessary. We have got a religion which is basically
strong. The materials are very good but the building has been neglected for many
centuries. The necessity to repair the building has not been felt when its
mortars were damaged or dropped off. To the contrary, the building has been kept
on decaying more and more due to the foreign elements of commentaries and
superstitions. This building can not be touched and repaired in a day. But the
splits will be get deeper with time and it will be necessary to build a new
building on a strong basis.
Religion is a matter of conscience. Everybody is free to obey to the orders
of his own conscience. We are full of respect for religion. We are not opposed
to the thought or mentality. We are just trying not to mix the State and
National Project with the religious operations, and to avoid reactionary
activities, intentional or actual. We shall never give any chance to the
reactionaries. (Mr. Asaf İlbay is narrating, The Memories of Close Friends, Page 102-103)
My friends! God is only one and great. We can say by the signs of divine
beliefs that human beings can be classified in two groups, periods. The first
period is the childhood and adolescence. The second is the adult and mature
period of mankind.
Mankind must have been very closely involved with these issues like a child,
like an adolescent at the first period. God chose to deal with his servants
until they reached maturity by necessary of the divine special envoys. He sent
many prophets and envoys known or unknown starting with Adam.
But after imparting the religious and civilisatory facts to the mankind by
our prophet he did not see any necessity to get in touch with human beings by a
mediator. He kindly accepted that every servant would have ability to get in
touch with divine thought and therefore our Holy Prophet was the last and his
book is the most perfect book. (1922 Speech III, Page 1241)
These ignorant persons who dare to introduce the prophet to me as a dervish
in trance could never be able to comprehend his noble personality and successes.
And they seem to be at a loss to understand this. How could a dervish in trance
make a feasible plan which might have been thought of by a great commander in
the Uhud Battle?
History must not be an art distorting the realities but must be a science
clarifying them. The ignorant vagrants described this person exalted with his
military ingeniousness as well as his politic opinions in a little battle also
as a dervish in trance. They can not join us in our historic feat. If Mohamed
had not persued the foe, overcoming of the resistance of his environment and his
injured, Islam would be non-existent. (Şemsettin Günaltay, Ülkü Dergisi
(Magazine) Volume:9, Series :9, 1945, Page 3)
Our religion is a highly sensible and natural religion. A religion must be
compatible with wisdom, science and logic. Our religion is completely compatible
with all of these. (1923)
Our great religion states that man can not be related to mankind if he does
not work. Some people are thought by some others to be unbelievers because they
have adopted the innovations of the new age.
The real infidelity is this supposition. Is aim of their comment not wanting
Islam to be enslaved by the infidels or what else? Please do not care about each
hodja (religious teacher or imam) with a turban. Being a hodja is being a hodja
with the brain not with a turban. (Atatürk’s S.D II, Page 128)
Our religion does not advise our nation to be worthless, indolent and
inferior. To the contrary, God and also the Prophet order nations to protect
their values and their honour. 1923 (Atatürk’s S.D II, Page 92)
Everybody possesses a measure especially for our religion. You can easily
understand if something is compatible with our religion or not by this
measurement. Whatever is compatible with wisdom, logic and benefit of the people
you may be assured to be convenient to our religion. If something is compatible
with wisdom and logic and of advantage to the nation and the benefit of the
Islam, ask no more. It is religion. If our religion was not compatible with
logic and wisdom it would not be perfect and the last religion. 1923(Atatürk’s
S.D. II, Page 127)
The Turkish Nation must be more religious, I mean religious in all
simplicity. I believe in this as I believe in my religion and in reality. It
does not contain any thing against the conscience nor any obstacle to
development. (1923)
Our Nation possesses two strong virtues, which are language and religion. No
power could remove these virtues from our nation’s heart and conscience, nor
will it ever be able to. 1923 (Atatürk’s S.D.II, Page 66-67)
Sirs, you and my nation well know that the Republic of Türkiye can not be the
country of sheiks, dervishes, disciples and followers. The most straightforward
and the truest religious order is the order of civilisation.1925 (Atatürk’s B.N.
Page 93)
As you know, degenerates who taken have us in the wrong direction mostly
masked with a religious veil and have continuously deceived our pure and clear
people with interpretations of religious rules. Read our history and
listen...You will see that all the evil which ruined, captivated and destroyed
our people always came from the infidels masked by religion. 1923 (S.D II, Page